從Windows 8 更新到Windows 8.1 - Microsoft Windows 了解如何透過Windows 市集,從Windows 8 更新到Windows 8.1,或者從Windows RT 更新到Windows RT 8.1。
如何從Windows 8升級到Windows 8.1版?要去哪下載升級檔 ... 2013年10月18日 - 還是另外下載Windows 8.1的更新檔呢?老實說,一開始時,我也是模不著頭緒,因為我看到微軟的官方網站說明,Windows 8.1是從Windows市 ...
從Windows 7 升級至Windows 8.1 - Microsoft Windows Windows 8.1 升級小幫手會告訴您電腦是否可以執行Windows 8.1,然後提供相容性報告與選擇性步驟,供您購買、下載並安裝Windows。 如果您想的話,可以檢查 ...
升級Windows 8 請下載並安裝升級助理,接著依循下列簡單的步驟即可升級您的作業系統。 向Microsoft 購買升級方案以取得Windows 8 作業系統。 請參閱電腦隨 ... 成為粉絲: 價格表 ...
由Windows 7 升級至Windows 8 安裝指南 - 技嘉科技 本升級安裝指南是提供使用者由Windows 7 升級到Windows 8 的基本指導。 ... 開機後請再重複步驟1.1 到1.4 來取得所有的更新檔案,直到Windows 已是最新狀態。
條款與條件- Microsoft Windows 如果您執行Windows 8 或Windows 8 專業版,請在[開始] 畫面上點選或按一下市集 ..... 由於參與此升級計畫付費取得Windows 8 專業版下載,屬購買國外軟體產品之 ...
Upgrade to Windows 8 Pro for $39.99 - The Windows Blog You used to have a Windows 8 Upgrade Assistant. Now you have to pay 39.99 to find out if your computer is compatible with Windows 8. Why would I pay 39.99 to find out that my computer is not compatible with 8 windows? When I donloaded the previous ...
The Windows 8 Release Preview & Windows Upgrade Offer - #windows8 I am not very impressed with Windows 8. I think it too closely resembles tablet/smartphone operating systems (ie. iOS, Android and Windows Phone). I really enjoy my Windows Phone 7, but I like my computer to be different and smarter than my phone. It seem
7 Windows 8.1 Upgrade Issues & How To Fix Them Microsoft recently released Windows 8.1, an upgrade to Windows 8 which arrived with mixed reviews. Most people see Windows 8.1 as a type of Service Pack. The updates introduced by Windows 8.1, however, are much more pervasive and consequently seem to be c
Windows 8 Price: Upgrade For Most Windows Users Will Cost $40 (For A Limited Time) Planning on upgrading your current PC to Windows 8? Unless you're still on Windows 95, Microsoft just revealed how much you might be paying. For users with laptops and desktops running Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7, a digital upgrade to Windows